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Ministry can be isolating and heavy in normal times. We are not in normal times. Many of our churches are in major times of transition, the cultural environment is anxious, and we all face situations for which we feel less prepared.

In response and in hopes of providing mutual support, I will begin hosting Journey Together Zoom.  Playing off the success of the Zoom check-ins for Rostered Ministers and SAMs during the pandemic, these monthly check-ins will be a place for mutual support and resource sharing as we continue to live into our calling. 

Join me on Thursday, March 13th from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for a chance to be together in a virtual space. We will begin with a brief devotion and then open up our space for sharing resources, prayer, fellowship, and whatever the Spirit moves us to do in that time. The plan is to hold these monthly check-ins on the second Thursday of each month. I want this to be a space of mutual care and concern that meets us where we are. The Zoom link for our time together will be sent out the morning of the event. I look forward to connecting with you all in this virtual space.