The Northern Illinois Synod has established a fund to assist its rostered ministers to participate in continuing education events or to support sabbatical leaves. This fund is funded by the Synod Council through periodic designations from the interest from the Synod Endowment Fund.
To qualify to request a grant and other information:
- The applicant must be an ELCA Rostered Minister serving in the Northern Illinois Synod.
- If under call, the applicant must agree to stay in the congregation/ministry setting at least one year after continuing education experience or sabbatical leave. Upon their return, they are expected to share their experience with the members of their congregation/ministry setting to help deepen and enrich the lives of their members.
- If on-leave-from call, the applicant may request a grant without other expectations.
- An applicant may request up to $400 for a Continuing Education grant or up to $500 for a Sabbatical Leave grant.
To apply, complete and submit the form below.
Questions? Contact Rev. Pat Esker