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This year marks my 53rd Advent season. To be truthful, I probably don’t remember the first five or six. But I do remember the many, many messages over the years to slow down during this season. Each year, a pastor or a devotional reminding me to step away from the busyness, take a breath and just sit in the anticipation. Some years, I was successful and found those moments. Other years, not so much. Christmas would arrive, just like it always does on December 25, and I would go to bed that night and wonder how it happened so quickly, how did all of those days get so filled up after Thanksgiving that I didn’t have time to sit still for five minutes?  And now, I’m the one who is encouraging others to be still, to PAUSE. 

The text for this week comes from Matthew, chapter 6, verses 25-34. At first, I found this an odd text as we begin the Advent season. This text is about worrying – or rather, the instruction not to worry. Jesus shares that as we look around to the birds of the air or the flowers in the field, they are beautifully constructed and find their food, all without worrying how it happens. Again, I struggled to find the connection to Advent. It is in the words that begin verse 33 – “But seek first.” Seek. First. Seek first his kingdom and righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well. It is in the seeking, the active engagement, where I found meaning in this passage. When I read this verse, it was a light bulb moment. My Advents of the past relied on just stopping, centered more on the passive side.

But, what if, to begin our Advent journey, we need to actively, intentionally, seek the PAUSE. At the risk of sounding counterintuitive, what if we use our energy to suspend activity – the present buying and wrapping, house decorating, family visiting, food preparing. Even for a moment or two, set all those things to the side as we seek first his kingdom. Maybe the moments are first thing in the morning or the last thing at night, maybe it’s time you literally schedule on your calendar, maybe it’s in the car as you are waiting to pick up children. Whatever Advent year you are celebrating this year, I encourage you to join me as we deliberately PAUSE in our journey and seek first his kingdom. 


This week's Advent Reflection is written by Lori Whalen, Assistant to the Bishop. This reflection is part of the Northern Illinois Synod's Advent Project based on the Pause, Prepare, Ponder series found on Sundays and Seasons.