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The Northern Illinois Synod World Hunger Subcommittee has assembled a toolkit of ideas for fundraising for ELCA World Hunger.

This resource can be found at  If you go to the Northern Illinois Synod website, click the word “Ministries”, then click the box for Social Ministry Committee, and finally, click on World Hunger Subcommittee.

What will you find in this toolbox?  Well, it is a growing list of resources.   So far, we have the following resources available:

  • A flyer describing ‘Christmas in July’ – a one-page document briefly describing how to use a winter holiday in summer to draw attention to World Hunger and raise funds.
  • A flyer describing ‘Noisy Offerings’ – a one-page document briefly describing how to collect loose change, and to create creative means of collecting that loose change
  • A flyer describing the ELCA World Hunger Resource Website – this website is a treasure trove of ideas and information, this one page document briefly outlines fundraising and educational resources found on this website.
  • A worship drama script titled ‘Jack and the Lunch Money’ – this worship drama was written by our colleague Pastor Jamie Gallagher and is able to be used throughout the synod in conjunction with World Hunger fundraising efforts. This worship drama is about a boy named Jack who is sent by his mother to the market to buy a specific amount of food for their dinner.  Along the way, Jack encounters an untrustworthy merchant, a stranger who helps, a large hungry crowd, and Jesus who takes the little Jack has to perform a big miracle.  Prepare to chuckle as you hear the story of the feeding of the 5000 from a whole new perspective, that of the young boy caught up in the middle of the whole thing. 

More resources are planned to be added throughout the year, so keep checking the website for more ideas.  Does your congregation have a way to raise funds for ELCA World Hunger that you want to share with the whole synod?  E-mail your fundraising concept to Pastor Jamie Gallagher at .  And watch as the World Hunger Fundraising Toolbox keeps growing – Until All Are Fed.