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It was a surprise – but in August I went to the consecration of The Rev. Dr. Peter Paul Thomas D., the new bishop for the Arcot Lutheran Church in India. Our regional and international Lutheran partners had not expected a new bishop to be elected. So, it was nowhere on my radar when I received a WhatsApp message that this had happened. In consultation with those partners, our synod Vice President Minnette Willard and I traveled to and from India, attended the celebration, and visited a number of ministries and the church council there. And we did it all from Monday to Monday.

Why take the time and expense?

Because when you are in relationship, you show up.

You show up for the important things, including the celebrations and the painful things. You support one another. Sometimes, showing up just needs to be in person.

The Christian church in India stands at a difficult crossroads. They are a vibrant church with a passion for justice and a care for people who are often cast aside. It has been shaped out of the experience of generations of leaders who said everyone was welcome AND meant it – in a society deeply grounded in caste and social boundaries. And the Christian church in India treads carefully in a country currently dominated by a Hindu Nationalist movement. Christianity is a minority religion that is always at risk of losing rights, privileges, ministries, and properties. Conversion is governed by law. I could not participate in the consecration service or wear any appointments of my office in public at risk of losing my visa and future chance of visiting our companion partners.

As my mom asked, “If you cannot participate, why are you going?”

Because when you are part of the same body, you show up. When you are in relationship and people need your support, you show up. You don’t bombard social media and tell the world – but you are there, reminding them that they are not alone. That the entire of body of Christ, and their family in Northern Illinois, walk with them.

It’s the same reason why our Northern Illinois Synod staff are so eager to worship with your congregations on a regular basis. It is why I go to as many congregations as I can. We are in this journey together, following God made flesh in Jesus, and living that same embodied faith for and with each other.

Your siblings in Christ in India send their love. They thank you for your faith and prayers. And they are grateful for the many ways that we all show up and strengthen one another in faith.