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Ready for Annual Enrollment?
Watch for an email from Portico when your Annual Enrollment window is open. This is your opportunity to make decisions about health coverage, pre-tax and Roth retirement contributions, vision care services, supplemental life insurance, beneficiaries, and more. Questions about coverage or have a change of call pending? The Portico Customer Care Center, 800.352.2876, is always here to help.

Support Your Mental Health
The demands of everyday life can often cause us to overlook or lose touch with our emotional health. Wisdom, perspective, and practical tools from Learn to Live’s clinical team can help. Invest 15-30 minutes this month by joining a live or recorded webinar that can boost your mental well-being. Webinar topics include:

  • The Price of Silence: How to Talk About Mental Health (Oct. 10)
  • What is Anxiety and What Can I Do About It? (Oct. 15)
  • Raising Future Ready Kids 2: Anxiety and Depression (Oct. 23)
  • Getting Unstuck: The Science of Moving Forward (Oct. 29)

Learn more and register here by using the access code PORTICO

New Being Here Podcast Episodes
Two new episodes of Portico’s Being Here podcast explore key issues facing faith community leaders. Neurodiverse Minds at Church aims to expand understanding of what congregations can do to support and include families of all types. Incarnation and Community: Addressing Homelessness shows how we experience Jesus present in all sorts of neighbors. Listen here!