Benefits reExamined Survey Reminder
Through an initiative called Benefits reExamined, Portico seeks input as we discern and design potential benefit changes to continue to meet the evolving needs of this church. Portico plan members and registered EmployerLink users, if you received an email invitation to take the survey, we strongly encourage you to take a few minutes before the survey closes July 12 and add your voice to the conversation.
Staying On Track with Retirement Planning
The idea of retirement can bring up many questions and emotions. Portico offers a series of 30-minute, prerecorded, online workshops called the Retirement Readiness Series to help ELCA Retirement Plan members feel confident about discerning their next steps. Workshops are easily accessible on myPortico. There’s no need to preregister — just sign in and watch. What to go deeper? Schedule a conversation with a Portico Financial Planner to understand more about where you are now and how to ensure you’ll reach your retirement goals.
Time for a Mid-Year Checkup?
One of the best ways to stay healthy is to get regular checkups, vaccinations, and screenings. Preventive care is not only essential for maintaining overall health, it’s also one of the best ways to catch unknown health issues early. An annual preventive exam is part of your ELCA-Primary health coverage and this video can help you maximize the time with your doctor so you can live, work, and serve well.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Jennifer Prinz, Regional Representative from Portico. She can be reached at or Portico’s Customer Care Center at 800-352-2876.