Welcome to the 2021 Northern Illinois Synod Digital Assembly. Below are all the videos you will need to view and navigate this year's assembly. 

Helpful hint:

On any of the videos below, right after you hit the play button (which is the right-pointing triangle in the middle of the image), move your cursor to the bottom-right corner of the image and left-click the full-screen icon. Then your video will fill your screen, so you can see it better.

Click the button again, or push the Esc button on your keyboard (top-left corner), to get out of full-screen mode. 

A Word from Our Bishop

Each voting member of the assembly will need a laptop or desktop computer to watch and participate in the assembly on Zoom. They will also each need a mobile device such as a phone or tablet on which they can receive their email and use a web browser (access the internet), so they can vote. Sharing devices with other voting members will not be possible and should not be attempted.

The videos and instructions on this page will walk you through everything you need to know about both our meeting app, Zoom, and our voting application, ElectionRunner.

Bandwidth recommendations for Zoom

The bandwidth used by Zoom will be optimized for the best experience based on the participants’ network.  It will automatically adjust for 3G or WiFi 

Recommended bandwidth over WiFi:

  • For high-quality video: 1.0 Mbps/600kbps (up/down)
  • For 720p HD video: 2.6 Mbps/1.8 Mbps (up/down)
  • For 1080p HD video: 3.8 Mbps/3.0 Mbps (up/down)
  • For gallery view receiving: 2.0 Mbps (25 views), 4.0 Mbps (49 views)
Install or Update Zoom
Your Seat at the Assembly

Only voting members will be able to attend the assembly via Zoom. Visitors may watch the livestream of the assembly at no charge on the synod website.

All voting members should watch at least one of the videos below. If you've never used Zoom before, watch Downloading and installing Zoom. If you have used Zoom before, please watch Everyone should update Zoom to the most recent version.

Downloading and installing Zoom

If you already have Zoom installed on your computer, you can skip to the next video about updating your Zoom app to the most recent version. For instructions on how to install Zoom click the play button on the video below:

Everyone should update Zoom to most recent version!

...unless you JUST installed it! Then you're off the hook! 

It will be important that everyone is using the most recent version of Zoom, so that we may provide correct instructions about where to find different features of the program. We are asking that everyone installs the most recent update to Zoom. If you do not have the most recent version, you will struggle finding what you need to request to speak and to vote.

There are numerous ways to update your app. Please click the play button on the video below to learn the easiest way to obtain the most recent version:

How We Will Use Zoom
At the Assembly

The important pieces of Zoom

Pr. Pat Esker explains how we will use Zoom during our 2021 Synod Assembly and gives some important instructions on how to navigate and participate in the meeting. Along the way she also introduces some of the other synod staff and explains their roles in the assembly. Please click the play button on the video below to find out more:

Get to Know ElectionRunner
Your Ballot at the Assembly

For the general ballot for the election of council members and committee members of the synod, as well as voting on the proposed constitution changes, we will use ElectionRunner. It is essential that each voting member has a mobile device on which they can receive their email to use this voting application.

How to vote with your mobile device

Watch the video below to learn how to vote on your mobile device:

Help! I can't find the email to vote!

If you can't find the email to vote, here are some ideas to help. And if all else fails, here's an alternative way to vote. Watch the video below and take a deep breath. 

Thank you for watching!
Come back anytime to review these videos prior to the assembly.

These videos will be available through the assembly.

Contact your rostered minister if you need further assistance.