We are pleased to announce a reimagined Sabbath Space for 2025.  The observation of sabbath is an invitation to set aside time from our busy schedules so that we may seek rest, renewal, rejuvenation, and, most importantly, to feel God’s love and care for us.

We are inviting you to have an intentional time of sabbath rest one time each month.  This time can be flexible with your own schedule.  We will continue to offer guided resources for spiritual activities and disciplines online.

This year, we are providing an onsite option for Sabbath Space quarterly. Each location (St. John's Mendota, LOMC, Christ Belviedre) will have a host who will ensure the space is prepared for Sabbath Space.  The host will also help connect those gathered to other locations via Zoom for the opening Examen practice. The quarterly onsite gatherings will take place on the following dates beginning at 9:00 a.m. and ending at 12:30 p.m.  

March's Examen