Our Pulpit Supply List includes pastors, deacons, and lay individuals available for pulpit supply within the Northern Illinois Synod. Please contact them directly at the phone number or email address listed. Those in the Word and Sacrament category are available to administer the sacraments, those in the Word category are not able to administer the sacraments. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the Northern Illinois Synod by calling 309-794-4004 or emailing office@nisynod.org.

The Northern Illinois Synod Staff, including Bishop Stacie Fidlar, are available to guest preach. We ask that if you invite a member of the staff to preach, the Rostered Minister or SAM is present that day and helping to lead worship. To schedule a member of staff or to invite Bishop Fidlar to preach, please contact Ms. Laura Bergren at 309-794-4004 or office@nisynod.org.

Pulpit Supply Compensation:

The following fee structure is offered for pulpit supply as a minimum reimbursement:

  • One Service – $200 + mileage @ current IRS rate.
    • Word and Sacrament and Word preachers receive the same rate.
  • Additional services on the same date - $50 each.
  • Services requiring an additional trip (Saturday night, Sunday evening, etc.) - $100/service + mileage @ current IRS rate.
  • Pastoral visitation - $30-$35/hour + mileage @ current IRS rate.
  • Leading adult forums, teaching confirmation, etc. - $50 each.

Effective January 1, 2025, the IRS mileage reimbursement rate is 70 cents/mile.

For an up-to-date list of those available for supply, please click the link on the side and enter the password.

If you are in need of the password, please email niscommunications@nisynod.org