Read through the gospels and at least one thing is clear:
Jesus grew disciples.
People followed him. They listened to him. Their lives were transformed.
Then they went out and invited others into the same lifetime journey.
The last two years, you have been invited on two parallel journeys. In 2023, we explored what it means to Be the Body - that is, to learn and live what it is to be the body of Christ in everyday life. We are made part of Christ’s body in the world at baptism; we are called to live that each day.
In 2024, we were invited to Open God’s Story. We encouraged each other to connect God’s work and word throughout the Bible with God’s work in our lives.
We invite you to bring those two journeys together in 2025 for a time of Growing Disciples.
We will continue the work of Jesus’ first followers: learning and growing in following Jesus. We will look at the ways and paths that Jesus taught us. Like those first disciples, we spend our entire lifetime shaping our lives in ways that follow him. And we invite others to do the same.
Growing Disciples is a time for each member, each congregation to return to the roots of who we are as the body of Christ, listen to the life of Jesus, and grow deeper in our faith and our following. Every month will have a theme related to following Jesus, an area of discipleship we can grow and nurture in our lives. We will explore 7 different marks of discipleship and invite each other to grow deeper roots in each area, through practice, study, and opening of our hearts and lives, just as the original disciples did.
We will share prayers, social media posts, monthly bulletin inserts, and blog posts from across our synod along with additional resources that you are welcome to use. Workshops and opportunities at CRE and Synod Assembly will invite you into ways to grow as a disciple.
If you have a particular story of discipleship to share in one of these areas, let us know! This is an opportunity to grow and walk together. This is an opportunity to grow and walk together. You are encouraged to use #NISGrows on your social media posts as you grow throughout the year.
- Bishop Stacie Fidlar