Prayer is the way a disciple enjoys an intimate relationship with God. Prayer can be private or public, ritualized or conversational, silent or out loud, spoken or sung, words or action, simple or profound. Through prayer God’s will is discerned, and greater clarity is gained for our journey. Prayer is powerful. God’s creative, redeeming, and healing power is often directed through prayer.

There is no one way to pray; each of us will find a different way to pray that centers us on being open to how God is being revealed through prayer. Prayer is adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication. Sometimes prayer invites us to move our body or to think of something or someone specific. Often times we find ourselves in moments of prayer without any words.

What is your favorite way to pray?

Throughout our Growing Disciples year, you are invited to find what types of prayer fill your soul. Maybe it is writing intercessory prayers for your congregation to use. Maybe it is through writing poetry or playing music.

Exploring ancient and new prayer practices is a great way of growing in your faith life and centering on who God is calling us to be.

Explore the resources below as you discover new prayer practices that help you grow in your faith and your calling as a disciple.

Feel free to use the finger labyrinth below in your daily prayer practice. Use your finger to trace along the groves as you open yourself to the prayers on your heart.

To view the monthly bulletin insert, please click here.

Prayer Resources

Additional resources will be added throughout the year. If you have a resource to add, please email Pastor Mack Patrick at

  • ELCA Prayer Ventures
    • ELCA Prayer Ventures offers daily prayers each month. These petitions are offered as guides to prayer for the global, social, and outreach ministries of the ELCA, as well as for the needs and circumstances of our neighbors, communities, and world. 
  • Bread for the Day
    • Bread for the Dayis a daily-use devotional resource filled with rich treasures. It is designed for personal, household, or group devotions. This is the perfect resource for individuals, congregations, households, Bible study groups, prayer groups, pastors, church councils, outreach teams, confirmation students, and teachers.
  • Resources for Crafting Prayers of Intercession
    • Evangelical Lutheran Worship encourages that “The prayers [of intercession] are prepared locally for each occasion” (ELW. p. 105). How can this be done? What practices are useful? What resources can help? Listed below are several resources from ELCA Worship or Augsburg Fortress.
  • Many Ways to Pray: Walking a Labyrinth
    • A reflection on what it looks like to walk a labyrinth and its impact on personal prayer.
  • Finger Labyrinths
    • A variety of finger labyrinths that you may use in your personal prayer life.
  • Seven Faith Practices Bible Study: Pray
    • Living Faith in Daily Life: A four-session small group study on prayer.A four-session small group study on prayer.