Growing Disciples Monthly Reflections are written by a variety of leaders across our synod, as such the language reflects the individuals personal theology. We give thanks to Bridgot Kruse for this month's reflection on prayer.
God loves to talk to us; he loves our prayers. Whether it is happy gratitude, we are asking in need of something or just need to talk. We can seek solid direction and advice on a situation through conversation with God. To build a relationship with God. Jesus gave us a direct line to God through his death and resurrection. It’s the greatest thing! We can talk to God anytime, anywhere.
Matthew 6:7-15 is a good place to start a lesson on prayer. Jesus tells us “not to use vain repetitions as the heathens do.” Jesus wants to hear our hearts. Tell him when you are thankful for a pleasant afternoon with family or you are thankful for a blessing that you have been asking for. Just stop and praise him and thank him at that time, no need to wait until evening prayers. This is the conversation God wants.
God also likes to talk to us when we are giving him our sole attention, like during our morning meditations. Start with praise and worship God for who he is and what he is able to do. Ask God to lead, guide, and protect you throughout the day. This gives you peace and strength to get through whatever might come along as you walk through life’s trials. Know God is already in control of the situation. By giving God glory and praise, you are telling him you know that he is in charge and has power to overcome. It is telling him you accept and go along with his will for you. As we end our day, give praise again, thanking God for his protection and goodness.
Romans 8:28-37 tells us all things work together for the good to those who love God; nothing can separate us from the love of God; we are more than conquerors through him who loves us; and asks us if God is for us, who can be against us? Knowing these things, we can live in accordance with God’s plan. We can be sure of where he leads and what his will is for us and our life as we seek his guidance through prayer. We can boldly ask him for our needs and our heart’s desires, knowing they are in line with his will too.
Seek God’s will by reading his word daily. Have a Bible open in multiple places in your home. Ask God for advice, direction, and guidance. Take time to read some scripture and see what he has to say about a situation. I have never not received an answer from God. That message may be to wait or to keep seeking the word and God’s will. Sometimes, God has immediately answered through scripture reading. Other times, he has given an answer through a song, nature walk, or an old friend that you just happened to run into at the market.
God will answer. Listen and look for his answers. Expect to hear and see where he is leading and what he is saying to you. God cares about us. He created us to live in fellowship with him. Leviticus 26:11-12 tells us, “I will put my dwelling place among you, and I will not abhor you. I will walk among you and be your God, and you will be my people.” God expressly wants to have a relationship with us. He wants us to bring our concerns, joys, and worries to him. He is our father. We can look to him for love and comfort.
Build and have a relationship with God through prayer. Seek God through scripture reading. Look and see our world through God’s eyes. God wants us to talk to him as a treasured friend. He truly is magnificent and glorious!