At the 2024 Northern Illinois Synod Assembly, a resolution was brought forward inviting us to consider becoming a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Synod. This resolution, brought forth by the Northeast Conference and supported by RIC Congregations throughout our synod, empowered the Synod Council to appoint a task force to lead a year-long process. The goal is to present a welcome statement at the 2025 Synod Assembly. The appointed task force has been working diligently to discern what it means to be a RIC Synod. Over the next several months, the Task Force will be releasing resources to help us better understand what it means to be a Reconciling in Christ Synod as we prepare for this year’s Synod Assembly.


The RIC Task Force will present a workshop at CRE entitled, What would being a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Synod mean? Along with the in-person workshop, additional virtual workshops and resources are being created.


To read the resoultion passed at the 2024 Synod Assembly, please click here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some answers to common questions.

Reconciling in Christ (RIC) is a program of Reconciling Works that has identified congregations, synods, and other Lutheran organizations as safe, welcoming communities of faith for people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions; these ministries also are committed to working for racial equity and commit to anti-racist work.

To learn more about ReconcilingWorks, please visit

Becoming a RIC Synod means that, at the synod-level and at synod-sponsored events, we will be welcoming and inclusive of all people.

As an example, our synod will be careful of the language we use in our communications and in worship.

No, the synod cannot speak for the welcome offered by individual congregations. The work of this task force applies only to the ministries at the synod level. Each congregation needs to go through their own process and discernment to be recognized as RIC. We recognize the different places that our congregations are in, and we support them in their ministry regardless of whether they are RIC. 

As of March 1, 2025, there are 12 congregations that are RIC which include: Bethany in Crystal Lake, Bethlehem in DeKalb, Cross of Glory in Homer Glen, Emmanuel in Rockford, First in DeKalb, First in Galesburg, Living Waters in Crystal Lake, Lord of Love in Galena, New Life in Bolingbrook, Salem in Sycamore, St. James in Rock Island, St. John’s in Rock Island and Trinity in Galesburg.

There are other congregations that are currently in the RIC process. If your congregation is RIC and not on this list, please let Northern Illinois Synod staff know.

Please reach out to Pastor Mack Patrick by email or by calling the Northern Illinois Synod Office at 309-794-4004.