Baptism of Our Lord liturgy by Rev. Dr. Char Rachuy Cox is now available for viewing through Celebrate! Worship for Every Festival. This special liturgy beautifully celebrates Christ’s baptism and the promises it holds for our faith journey.

You are encouraged to explore the attached resources and consider how it might enrich your worship experiences. These resources are adaptable to your congregations needs.

If you choose to use the liturgy, either in whole or in part, please include the full attribution along with the logos. For questions and feedback please contact the Nourishing Vocation Project by clicking here

The Northern Illinois Synod is excited to announce a free resource for your congregations to journey through Lent. Based on Sundays and Seasons Turning Towards God's Abundance, this series invites congregations to explore each week of Lent with a different prayer practice. 

Bulletins are available in PDF format and Word for customizing for your congregation. An overview is linked below and has information about copyright.