I was able to attend the consecration of our new companion bishop in August 2024. It was a last minute and quick trip, yet it yielded real opportunities at the January consultation. Our companions stressed repeatedly their hopes for our relationships to grow deeper, to be grounded in prayer and regular conversation and not only occasional face-to-face visits. Since we had met before, we were able to deepen our conversations about hopes and possibilities during this more recent visit. 

After 3 days together in conversation, we moved from an interfaith center in Hyderabad to our individual companion locales. For us, that meant flying to the Tamil Nadu region of south India to see the important ministries and hear the stories of our partners. Our companions in the Arcot Lutheran Church live the gospel through the lens of loving their neighbors and building opportunities for all to experience life abundant (John 10:10). Our time combined visiting sites of ministry with sitting together with pastors from each area and hearing their stories of ministry. They told us about the importance of being a church grounded in justice and care for the neighbor - from mining communities to justice for the Dalit (once known as untouchables) to expanding ministries for the disabled and transgender community to health ministry.

Please know that they pray for us. We have a plan over the next year to open opportunities for current companion congregations to re-connect and grow those relationships.




To read more reflections, click a link below.

Vice President Minnette Willard's Reflections from India

Pastor Josh Ebener's Reflections from India

WELCA Representative Deb Quinn's Reflections from India

Reflections from India Main Post