Becoming Church, Oswego
We are a mission start of the Northern IL Synod. We are a diverse, missional community looking to build authentic spirituality amongst the dones, nones and umms in our community.
Civil Rights Tour
Salem Lutheran Church member, Jenny Ruff has organized a Civil Rights motorcoach tour sponsored by Bishop Stacie Fidlar, Retired ELCA minister Pastor Janet Hunt and Pastor Angela Baron Jeffrey from New Hope Baptist Church. The tour dates are September 19-26, 2025.
Creation Care Subcommittee
This subcommittee is concerned about God's creation. We hold online book discussions, Earth Church worship services, and try to raise awareness of how to better care for our fragile Earth.
Diakonia Growing in Faith
The diakonia program has been re-imagined into Growing in Faith: The diakonia Program. After over 40 years of success in providing quality lay education in 11 synods across the ELCA, the national board has taken on the monumental task of re-designing the program to meet the needs of our 21st century churches and students. The new program consists of a 2-year program with flexibility to suit the interests and needs our students.
Global Mission Committee
The Global Mission Committee endeavors to unite congregations and members worldwide by developing relationships. The Global Mission Committee encourages and supports the ELCA model of Accompaniment in all our relationships with Christians around the world. Our focus in 2025 is to build and strengthen the network of companion congregations in the North Central Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania and Arcot Lutheran Church of Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry India and congregations in the Northern Illinois Synod.
Iglesia San Jose Obrero
Iglesia San Jose Obrero is a Spanish language mission start congregation of the Northern Illinois Synod in Moline, IL.
Lutheran Outdoor Ministry Center (LOMC)
The purpose of Lutheran Outdoor Ministries Center (LOMC) is to be the Church in outdoor settings, nurturing Christian faith and providing experiences connecting the Word of God with the World of God. Located on 600 acres in the heart of the Rock River Valley, LOMC is an outdoor sanctuary and resource for churches and organizations throughout Illinois - offering year-round programs, retreats, and conference space for people of all ages, including our cornerstone youth summer camp programs and seasonal youth retreats.
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
The Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago is a seminary of the ELCA committed to forming visionary leaders to bear witness to the good news of Jesus Christ.
Lutheran Social Services of Illinois
Serving Illinois since 1867, Lutheran Social Services of Illinois (LSSI) is one of the largest nonprofit statewide social service providers. LSSI is a nonprofit social service organization of the three Illinois synods of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Grounded in Lutheran traditions, LSSI welcomes and serves people from diverse backgrounds.
LSSI provides critical social and human services for Illinois residents, including: foster care, mental health programs, alcohol and drug treatment, affordable senior housing, home care for older adults, housing for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and programs that help people and families impacted by incarceration.
LSSI strives to bring dignity, health and well-being, and the promise of reaching one’s full potential to the more than 50,000 children, adults, and seniors the organization serves annually.
Lutherdale is a faith based camp and conference center in Elkhorn, WI, dedicated to building lives in Christ, through the wonder of God's creation, and the study of God's Word.
Ministry Support Committee
Enabling Christians of the Northern Illinois Synod to realize their call to ministry as both lay and professional workers. To accomplish the mission, we provide resources, support, and continuing education within our synod, in cooperation with other synods, agencies, and institutions within the ELCA and the Church.
Outreach Committee
The Outreach Committee assists congregations of the Synod to learn, think, and live Jesus’ life, death and resurrection to build faithful and vital Christian communities.
Parament Project Part 2
It is time to create a set of new paraments for synod events! Fabric kits, including instructions, for sewing quilt blocks will be available at CRE. Pictures of the designs will be available at the display table.
Portico Benefit Services
Employee Benefits for Congregations and Faithbased Organizations. Supporting your mission is why we exist — to sustain and strengthen the whole-person well-being of those who serve.
Social Ministry Committee
The Social Ministry Committee works to inspire and encourage the people of the congregations and communities of the Northern Illinois Synod to care for those in need, serve our neighbors, seek justice and righteousness for all people.
Wartburg Theological Seminary
Wartburg Theological Seminary forms grace-filled leaders with a passion for Christ, compassion for the world, and hope for the future. We are rooted in the historical Lutheran tradition, and the contemporary global Lutheran witness. Our thriving residential community is located along the historic limestone bluffs of Dubuque, Iowa, and our dynamic online learning pathways make a worship-centered theological education fully accessible to students near and far. We listen to the Holy Spirit and each other, asking tough questions and embracing difficult conversations. Weekly practices of spiritual formation invite us to wonder at God’s ongoing transformation in our lives and in the world, calling us to ministries of reconciliation, healing and wholeness. We lead boldly, in communities on the margins, in rural congregations, and in churches large and small, faithfully serving a rapidly changing world created for communion with God and in need of personal and social healing. We invite you to listen, wonder, and lead at Wartburg.
Women of the ELCA
As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world.
World Hunger Subcommittee
ELCA World Hunger advocates to raise awareness and financial support for global and local hunger projects and initiatives. From health clinics to microloans, water wells to animal husbandry, community meals to advocacy, ELCA is able to respond and support sustainable solutions for communities in need that get at the root causes of hunger and poverty.