Workshop A Offerings
Workshop A will be held from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm.
Discerning Your Congregation's Pathway Forward
Rev. Mark Juliot, NIS Pathways
- Classroom: 1K04/Lecture Hall
- Discipleship theme: Praying
- Intended audience: Congregational leaders and rostered ministers
- Society has shifted; the Church no longer occupies the same place it once did. Many congregations are facing decline in membership, finances and vitality. In this workshop you will be introduced to a discernment process that congregations in the Northern Illinois Synod Pathways program are lead through as they consider their future as well as the potential pathways that congregations can proactively take before time and circumstances dictate their path.
Starting Discipleship - Practicing The Way
Rev. Tom Redig and Mr. Paul Baker, St. John’s, Peru
- Classroom: 2M05
- Discipleship theme: Studying
- Intended audience: Everyone
- Do you or your congregational members want to move from just believing in Jesus Christ to becoming apprentices or disciples of Jesus Christ? This workshop will show how you can be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and do what Jesus did. The workshop will discuss how by using the Practicing The Way video series.
What is diakonia and How our Churches can Benefit
Mr. Doug Wood, diakonia Lay School
- Classroom: 2L06/Cafeteria Classroom
- Discipleship theme: Studying
- Intended audience: Lay members of congregations
- diakonia Growing in Faith is a ministry in the ELCA that fosters a learning environment for the followers of Jesus to grow in faith. Come learn what classes are like, what topics you can learn about, and how this lay school can impact your life.
Growing Disciples: Cultivating Ministerial Leadership
Vicar Shemiah Curry and Ms. Keisha Dyson, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
- Classroom: 1H18/Riverview Conference Room
- Discipleship theme: Studying
- Intended audience: Anyone hesitatnt to consider ministry
- In this session, we will explore how congregations and faith leaders can identify and nurture individuals who feel called to ministerial leadership. The workshop will also address how congregations can actively support individuals on their path to ministry before recommending them for seminary or the TEEM program. Growing Disciples can be viewed as both an internal and external process for individuals called to ministerial leadership. For individuals in congregations who either self-identified their calling or the faith leader "saw it on them", theological education is the 2nd step for nurturing those leadership skills.
Bringing Racial Justice to Worship
Rev. Josh Ehrler, Racial Justice Subcommittee
- Classroom: 1H16/Riverview Conference Room
- Discipleship theme: Worshiping
- Intended audience: Everyone
- Guided by scripture and liturgy, every church can publicly speak racial justice, seek confession, and pursue reconciliation through forgiveness. The Racial Justice Team of the Northern IL Synod will guide the conversation and answer questions, using materials already developed, as well as share ideas on how to keep creating language out of the local congregation.
Livestreaming Your Worship Services
Mr. Steve Witwicki and Mr. Jack Belford, Light of Christ, Algonquin; Mr. Howard Helm and Mr. Bruce Hayden, First, Mt. Carroll; Mr. Bill Sime, Trinity, Galesburg
- Classroom: 2M07
- Discipleship theme: Worshiping
- Intended audience: Lay and rostered congregation leaders
- This will be a panel workshop with examples from three congregations that have varying levels of livestreaming setups. Come to learn about different types of cameras, software, and streaming platforms. Find out why investing in your media ministry can reap rewards not just for worship but for small groups, classes and a number of other ministries.
A Gazillion Outreach Ideas
Rev. Sarah Wilson, Rev. Bob Stark, and Mr. Don Kinney, Outreach Committee
- Classroom: 2K02/Founders Rooom
- Discipleship theme: Inviting
- Intended audience: Everyone
- This workshop is a time to exchange and to incubate outreach ideas that you can easily put to work in your own congregation. Participants will share ideas for outreach that they've used in their ministry settings. Current resources on outreach will be shared.
The Grief Box
Ms. Carol Wahlstrom, Trinity, Ottawa
- Classroom: 2K9A
- Discipleship theme: Encouraging
- Intended audience: Lay and rostered members of congregations
- The goal of the Parish Nurse program at Trinity, Ottawa is to support congregation members and friends as they experience major life events. One aspect of this ministry is the "Grief Box," a gift from the congregation that supports a person through their grief journey. Grief creates a situation where many struggle to know how to care for the grieving person. The box provides a vehicle for conversation and communicates caring to the bereaved.
Community Engagement
Rev. Michael Thomas, Zion, Rockford
- Classroom: 2L07
- Discipleship Theme: Serving
- Intended Audience: Lay and rostered members of congregations
- Zion Lutheran Church has been engaged in the neighborhood of Midtown in Rockford since 1883. When other churches began leaving downtown in the 1960's and following, Zion stayed and created several non-profits as a part of their effort to walk with those in the neighborhood. Those non-profit ministries include the Patriots Gateway Center and Katie's Cup Coffee Bar. Zion continues to develop a multicultural community sharing the grace of Christ with all in words and actions. Come to hear Zion’s story and learn how you also can engage with your community in creative, sustaining ways.
Generation Zero Hunger -- a hand's-on experience
The Rev. Jamie Gallagher, World Hunger Subcommittee
- Classroom: 1K01/1K03
- Discipleship theme: Giving
- Intended audience: Everyone
- Join the NIS World Hunger Subcommittee for an interactive learning experience that can be easily adapted for a congregation setting. This is a fun way to learn about the issues involved with systemic hunger around the world, and an impactful way to learn why our giving to ministries like ELCA World Hunger matters.