Whenever youth and adults (adult defined as 21-years old or older) gather together in events or activities sponsored by the Northern Illinois Synod (NIS), the health and safety of all participants must be a primary concern. Therefore:


The NIS requires that all adult youth leaders (youth leader defined as any adult leading or accompanying youth to a synod event) complete criminal background checks. The synod must have copies of these checks on file. Checks must not be more than one-year-old. All information received is confidential and will not be shared with others in the congregation or synod. 

A minimum ratio of one adult per seven senior high youth (one adult per five junior high/middle school youth) must be maintained for all synod events (for example: fifteen youth registering for an event requires three adults attend). For overnight events, this ratio must hold true for each gender as well, due to separation of genders for sleeping arrangements.

A single youth must never be solely in the company of an individual adult. If confidential conversation needs to occur, it should be done in visual proximity to the rest of the group with doors open and lights on.

The possession or use of non-prescription drugs, alcohol, or tobacco by youth at a synod event is strictly prohibited. Adults are prohibited from using illicit drugs and alcohol at a synod youth event. Tobacco products are not to be used in front of youth and/or during activities of an event. Adults must also maintain proper supervision of their youth at all times.

There are to be no weapons, firearms, or fireworks at any youth event.

Adults and youth with cell phones are asked to keep them on silent and only check messages during designated free time.

Physical discipline is never an option. No one is to strike or hit anyone at any time. Verbal harassment or threats are also not to be tolerated.


Only drivers age 21 or over are permitted to transport youth to/from or during any synod youth event. All drivers must provide a copy of a valid, qualified drivers license for the vehicle they are operating. Drivers must also provide a copy of proof of vehicle insurance for the vehicle being driven. All passengers in vehicles must wear seat belts.


A first-aid kit must be made available and maintained at all functions. A medical release form must be provided and fully completed for each youth participant of a synod youth event. Information on dietary concerns and allergies must be indicated on consent/medical forms.


It is preferred that youth and adults are not housed together. If they must be, there must be at least two adults and at least two youth in each housing area. There will be no housing of mixed genders, excluding married couples. In large-room accommodations, male and female areas are to be clearly defined.


The event name, location, and dates will be listed on registration material. Completed event registration forms must designate the contact person and adult leaders for the congregation. All youth, adults, and event staff are required to agree and sign the covenant for any synod youth event.


Participants in synod events have a right to privacy. The NIS will not sell, share, or purchase individual information acquired from registration forms, health care forms, or background checks. Photographs, videos, and electronic images of youth and accompanying descriptions will not reveal the youth’s last name, hometown, address, telephone number, or e-mail without express consent.